Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Welcome to this blog!

Looking forward to seeing what your contributions will be.

Read the lyrics to this song here

Read the lyrics to this song here

Read the lyrics to this song here

Write a comment to this post saying which video you think is the best and what you like about the lyrics.

Create a new posting about another song. Put a link to the video and the lyrics, if you can, and say what you like about the song you've chosen.


..aNdRea.. said...

Hey!I'm one of the authors of this blog.One of my favourite songs there is 'girlfriend',by Avril Lavigne.It's a very funny song with an original lyric and a bit of dance.It's funny see how one girl argue with other one for a boy..XD..

amaia said...

I'm Amaia and if someone wants to know my opinion of these songs, here it is.
For me the best song is Grace Kelly by Mika because I like its rhythm and I think that is very catchy but I think that the other songs are OK too.
With regard to the lyrics, I prefer the Beautiful Liar ones,what are about a man who have two relationships at the same time and the two gils (Shakira and Beyoncé) are singing to say that they don't need him. But I like the others (Grace Kelly & Girlfriend) too. In Girlfriend, Avril Lavigne sings to persuade the boy she loves to leave his girlfriend and to begin a relationship with her. And in Grace Kelly, the lyrics are about a girl who loves a boy but he doesn't love her and she wants to become different for him.
In conclusion, generally the sing I prefer is Grace Kelly but I think that the better lyrics are the ones of Beautiful Liar.